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Remote Half Bridge Digitizer Platinum RTD with Noise Suppression on Reference

2011年05月27日09:56:23 本网站 我要评论(2)字号:T | T | T
Remote Half Bridge Digitizer Platinum RTD with Noise Suppression on Reference

The LTC2414/LTC2418 are 8-/16-channel (4-/8-differential) micropower 24-bit ΔΣ analog-to-digital converters. They operate from 2.7V to 5.5V and include an integrated oscillator, 2ppm INL and 0.2ppm RMS noise. They use delta-sigma technology and provide single cycle settling time for multiplexed applications. Through a single pin, the LTC2414/LTC2418 can be configured for better than 110dB differential mode rejection at 50Hz or 60Hz ±2%, or they can be driven by an external oscillator for a user-defined rejection frequency. The internal oscillator requires no external frequency setting components.


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